1. Pharmacy Knowledge: Possess knowledge and comprehension of the core and basic knowledge associated with the profession of pharmacy, including biomedical sciences; pharmaceutical sciences; behavioral, social, and administrative pharmacy sciences; and manufacturing practices.
2. Planning Abilities: Demonstrate effective planning abilities including time management, resource management, delegation skills and organizational skills. Develop and implement plans and organize work to meet deadlines.
3. Problem analysis: Utilize the principles of scientific enquiry, thinking analytically, clearly and critically, while solving problems and making decisions during daily practice. Find, analyze, evaluate and apply information systematically and shall make defensible decisions.
4. Modern tool usage: Learn, select, and apply appropriate methods and procedures, resources, and modern pharmacy-related computing tools with an understanding of the limitations.
5. Leadership skills: Understand and consider the human reaction to change, motivation issues, leadership and team-building when planning changes required for fulfillment of practice, professional and societal responsibilities. Assume participatory roles as responsible citizens or leadership roles when appropriate to facilitate improvement in health and well-being.
6. Professional Identity: Understand, analyze and communicate the value of their professional roles in society (e.g. health care professionals, promoters of health, educators, managers, employers, employees).
7. Pharmaceutical Ethics: Honour personal values and apply ethical principles in professional and social contexts. Demonstrate behavior that recognizes cultural and personal variability in values, communication and lifestyles. Use ethical frameworks; apply ethical principles while making decisions and take responsibility for the outcomes associated with the decisions.
8. Communication: Communicate effectively with the pharmacy community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports, make effective presentations and documentation, and give and receive clear instructions.
9. The Pharmacist and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety and legal issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional pharmacy practice.
10. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional pharmacy solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
11. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. Self- assess and use feedback effectively
1.Scientific knowledge: To apply the scientific and technological principles to design, develop effective pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delivery systems for better therapeutic results.
2.Technological applications: To utilize technical knowledge and identify any factors affecting the quality of pharmaceutical production.
3.Modern tool usage: Learn, select, apply appropriate methods, procedures, resources, and modern pharmacy-related computing tools with an understanding of the limitations.
4.Entrepreneurship: To understand the basics of establishing and management of pharmaceutical enterprise.
5.Practical skills: To gain practical expertise in formulating and evaluating various novel drug release systems for minor ailments to major diseases.
6.Applied science: To employ contemporary scientific knowledge viz., pharmacology, biotechnology for designing disease-centric pharmaceuticals.
7.Computational and statistical methodologies: Applying and utilizing the statistical tools with the aid of computer software to optimize the formulations.
8.Pharmaceutical ethics: To respect personal values and apply ethical principles in professional and social contexts. Demonstrate behavior that recognizes cultural, personal variability in values, communication and lifestyles. Use ethical frameworks; apply ethical principles while making decisions and take responsibility for the outcomes associated with the decisions.
9.Environment and sustainability: To understand, protect and cooperate environmental concerns for sustaining biodiversity.
10.Life-long learning: To develop the habit of updating knowledge from time to time to meet industrial demands and social needs for having a fruitful career.
1 Analytical Knowledge: Acquire knowledge on various chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques and differentiate with volumetric analysis.
2 Analytical Reasoning: To categorize assumptions and disclose the data according to guidelines.
3 Problem Solving: To utilize the principles of analytical techniques with clear and critical thinking, while solving problems and making decisions. Find, analyze, evaluate and apply information systematically and shall make defensible decisions.
4 Modern Techniques: To learn, choose and apply appropriate hyphenated methods and procedures and related computing tools with thoughtfulness of their applications.
5 Experimental Ethics: To believe and follow ethics and guidelines specified by the regulatory authorities of various countries and Government of India for good laboratory practice.
6 Interdisciplinary Commitment: To acquire skill oriented practical ability and utilize the needs of pharmacy in all other programmes to emerge as potent researcher.
7 Professional Identity: To be committed and responsible person to play a proactive role with loyalty to community and to empower society.
8 Statistical Skills: To apply and evaluate quantitative metrics to gain safety data on dosage and also to compare the effectiveness among different marketed formulations.
9 Rational Flexibility: To engage in critical and logical thinking and to gain an overall knowledge in developing newer methods, impurity profiling and validation protocols those are useful in routine and laboratory purpose.
10 Environment and Sustainability: To understand the level of biohazardous solvents and chemicals in relation to environmental contexts and sustainable development.
11 Lifelong Learning: Understand and apply the concepts in day to day life activities for the benefit of self and for the welfare of society.
1 Drug Expertise : Acquire knowledge on various classes of drugs and their mode of actions to unveil the remedies for many ailments.
2 Analytical Reasoning: Identify assumptions and reveal the evidence based reason for the disease or disorder take place, to select the type of relevant treatment.
3 Experimental Ethics :Consider and follow ethics and guidelines specified by the authorities of various agencies and Government of India for animal congenial laboratory practice.
4 Interdisciplinary engagement : Obtain skill oriented practical proficiency by exposing and utilizing the needs of pharmacy in all disciplines to emerge as potent researcher.
5 Professional Identity : Be committed and responsible person to play a proactive role with fidelity to community and empower society.
6 Statistical Skills : Apply and analyze quantitative metrics to gain safety data on dosage, also to compare the effectiveness among experimental groups.
7 Intellectual Flexibility : Engage in critical thinking and gain insight to identify, design and formulate pharmaceutical products that are in need of current aspects by using material from natural sources.
8 Lifelong learning : Understand and apply the concepts in day to day life activities for the benefit of self and for the welfare of society and its concerns.
O1 Regulatory Knowledge: Possess knowledge, comprehension of the core and basic knowledge associated with the profession of Pharmaceutical Regulatory Sciences, including drug development process, dossier preparation, good manufacturing practices, clinical trials and human research.
O2 Planning Abilities: Demonstrate effective planning abilities and elements that are necessary to accumulate the regulatory submissions including time management, resource management, delegation skills and organizational skills. Develop and implement plans and organize work to meet deadlines.
O3 Problem analysis: Utilize the principles of scientific enquiry, thinking analytically, clearly and critically, while solving problems and making decisions during daily practice. Find, analyze, evaluate and apply information systematically and shall make defensible decisions while reviewing and submission of dossiers to regulatory markets.
O4 Modern tool usage: Learn, select, and apply appropriate methods and procedures, resources and modern regulatory-related computing tools with an understanding of their limitations.
O5 Collaboration and Team Work: Understand and consider the human reaction to change, motivation, issues, leadership and team-building when planning changes required for fulfilment of practice, professional and societal responsibilities which also includes interpersonal skills, knowledge sharing and strategy in between members of a virtual team.
O6 Ethics: Use ethical frameworks, apply ethical principles while making decisions and take responsibility for the outcomes associated with the decisions in clinical research and clinical investigations.
O7 Regulatory Professional: Understand, analyze and communicate the value of their professional roles in society and business development and be reliable with critical thinking and regulatory writing skills.
O8 Cross Cultural Communication: Appreciation of and ability to learn from and work with people from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. It should emphasize how regulatory strategy increases a products chance of entering a market and staying there. Once cross-functional teams understand regulatory strategy and its importance in product development and inter-team communication.
O9 Initiative and Entrepreneurialism: Individual's ability to turn ideas into practice. Like finding new opportunities to share information and concepts. Generating options and solutions to cope with changes. It involves imagination, novelty and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives.
10 Creativity and Innovation: Function of knowledge, curiosity, imagination, and evaluation. The greater individual knowledge base and level of curiosity, the more ideas, patterns, and combinations will achieve, which then correlates to creating new and innovative products and services.
11 Lifelong Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. Self- access and use feedback effectively from others to identify learning needs and to satisfy these needs on an ongoing basis.
O1 Comprehensive pharmacy and clinical knowledge : Demonstrate mastery and application of core knowledge and skills in relation to the evolving pharmaceutical, biomedical, clinical and epidemiological sciences. This includes competency in areas supporting high quality pharmacy practice (e.g., pharmaceutics, medicinal chemistry, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacology, pathophysiology, pharmacotherapeutics, and pharmaceutical care).
O2 Patient centered care : Provide patient-centered care to diverse patients using the best available evidence and in consideration of patients’ circumstances to devise, modify, implement, document and monitor pharmacotherapy care plans, either independently or as part of healthcare teams.
O3 Problem solving and decision making : Demonstrate the ability to use observational, analytical and critical thinking skills to develop, implement and evaluate solutions that solve pharmacotherapy problems and build the ability to take decisions based on evidenced based practice.
O4 Social and cultural awareness : Recognize social determinants of health and respect patients’ cultural, social and religious perspectives to produce safe and appropriate medication use throughout society. Reflect their knowledge, experiences, values, attitudes, biases and beliefs, to show evidence of being self-aware and life-long learners.
O5 Professionalism : Exhibit professional ethics, attitudes and behaviors by demonstrating patient advocacy, altruism, accountability, compassion, integrity and respect for others. Understand, analyze and communicate the value of their professional roles in society (Ex. Health care professionals, health promoters, educators, managers, employers and employees).
O6 Innovation and entrepreneurship : Engage in innovative activities by using creative thinking to envision better ways of accomplishing professional goals. Utilize the principles of scientific enquiry and critical thinking while solving problems and making decisions in daily practice. Attain the key ability to start a community pharmacy or chain community pharmacies with patient care services.
O7 Confidentiality and professional ethics : Practice ethically, maintaining patient confidentiality, responding to errors in care and professional misconduct (including plagiarism), and understanding principles of ethical research (including conflicts of interest and obtaining appropriate informed consent). Apply ethical principles while making decisions and take responsibility for the outcomes associated with decisions.
O8 Interpersonal and communication skills : Demonstrate effective interpersonal written and verbal skills, adapt to socioeconomic and cultural factors as well as situational applications. Effectively educate families, patients, caregivers and other health care professional (HCPs). Function effectively in a team and act in a consultative position for other members of the health care team, regulatory agencies and policy makers.
O9 Clinical pharmacist and society : Apply contextual knowledge to assess the societal health care needs and demonstrate effective planning abilities in order to solve problems related to health care practice. Educate and aware the patients regarding the aspect of health and prevention of diseases and provide them a cost-effective drug therapy.
10 Environment and sustainability : Understand the impact of professional pharmacy solution in societal and environmental context and demonstrate the knowledge and need of sustainable development.
11 Practice based learning and improvement : Evaluate practice and care, and promote continuous improvement in one's own patient care and pharmacy services. Demonstrate self-calibration skills and a commitment to the lifelong learning needed to provide high quality care. Locate, appraise and assimilate evidence from scientific studies to enhance the quality of care and services. Effectively utilize information, informatics and technology to optimize learning and patient care.
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